Hello all

This message is just to let you know I'm back from my vacation and hope you have had a good Christmas and Happy New Year 2020?
(KSDesignz.aimoo.com) on Aimoo is still showing up as not being secure in parts in my browser - (I took the risk to write a message there) - AND constant ongoing problems Aimoo still continues to have are not good.
BUT: - I will do my best to carry on posting FREEBIE CLUSTERS and other things here on my KSDesignz blog for important dates that come up such as: - Valentine's Day, Easter, St. Pats Day etc. etc.
now ... I've changed the skin in Aimoo and will pop in from time to time until
pre-paid donations run out for diamond, then feel the group will come to
a close when those donations run out on the
*29th Feb 2020*
this stage I could only see three members were visiting this group
anyway, one has now left, so it's really not worth trying to keep the
group going any more ... It's simply a waste of time!
I will cease visiting other Aimoo groups I'm a member of in due course also.
Please take care of yourselves and I hope I will still see some of you around.

Hugs Kooshie xx
Hi, I am one who left your aimoo group. I love this group. Can you tell me how to add a tag in here? Thanks for all you do.
Hi Sharon ... Unfortunately you are unable to add tags on my personal blog, only I can do that! Bah-humbug!
BUT .. If you make a tag with any of my tubes, you are welcome to PM it to me via fb messenger if you are connected to me or send it via the email tab on my blog ... that should work? It would be great to show your tags off for other's to see what you did with the tube.
Oh and ... I've sent you an invite to my KSDesignz group on fb so am waiting for you to accept it ... Once that is done I have to approve the membership. You can add tags in that fb group if you wish yourself.
Hope this is of help to you?
Hugs Kooshie xx KSD
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